Here is one of my tropical palms that likes it outside and like Tootsie - my spider plant dropped seeds in this pot a few years ago and now I have a big spider plant in here as well. Notice I'm using my new columns ("new" to me anyway).

I've been moving my plants inside for the past week as the temperature drops here in Kansas. Plants have done really well outside over the summer and I've had to split some to bring them in. I'm hoping they do well over the winter.

I've brought in a couple of geraniums and will bring more in to over-winter later. They can stand the cold pretty well for a while. I hate to strip the yard completely so early.

Here is my "trouble" over the winter and through the growing season. She simply disregards any attempts to keep her out of my yard and from eating my plants. She always has a couple of babies with her and one or two of her lady friends.
Drop by
Tootsie's today and check out Fertilizer Friday.
I love the tropical with the Spider Plant in it!!! Not bringing in anything yet here in North Florida..
looks great! I love the spider in with the palm...what a wonderful display it makes!
I am so happy you linked in...your Indoor garden is just wonderful!
You have so many gorgeous plants to winter...I hope you're successful with them. As for your intruder, she's just so pretty, how can you get mad at her?
Pretty plants! awww, what a horrid intruder! LOL Tell her to come visit me ;~) she so sweet..
Hi Pammiejo!
Your spider plant is amazing! I'll have to try bringing my geraniums inside this year. I always bring my rosemary bush inside as its the only perennial herb that does not tolerate snow.
The deer looks so pretty but I can appreciate how frustrating it must be to have her eating all your flowers!
Thansk for your nice comment on my blog ..I appreciate it! :-)
She may eat your seedlings but oh, she is so beautiful!
I just read the previous blog and you and your gals would love my bookclub. We have just read "The Guersney and potato peel literary society" and voted it one of the favourites of the year! Thank you for your visits to my blog. I have been very 'out' of it recently due to work commitments and a daughter who has been so sick during her first trimester of pregnancy. I nearly threw in the blogging towel! But now I am back and pleased that I did not give up.
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