A new treat to watch is What's On Your Wall Wednesday being hosted by Barb at
Grits and Glamour. Go see what things people are placing on their walls.

I am a quilt fan! I've quilted and own several quilts, wallhangings, miniature quilts, and table-runners. Several years ago our church had a drama group that performed the musical "Quilters". The drama group decided to make some added funds by putting together a quilt and then having a silent auction for the quilt. The participants and some of their friends made any quilt blocks they desired. Only requirement was the measurement of each block. We all took turns hand quilting it after it had been put together. It made a quilt sized for a king-size bed. We auctioned the quilt and made $800 for the mission projects. Those of us who helped with the quilt felt like we were losing "our" quilt so before the owner took possession of it, one of the artists in our church sketched the quilt with "pen and ink". Anyone who participated in the making of the quilt was given a print. I had mine matted and framed.

My print hangs in one of my bathrooms which has a "quilt theme". I'd like to think that things I have hanging on my wall have some personal connection with me and not just a random thing to fill a space. This is a treasure to me. It holds so many memories.
Pammie Jo - that is a phenominal pencil drawing. I cannot imagine the hours upon hours it must have taken. Wonderful! Thank you so much for joining my first WOYWW. I look forward to seeing many more posts. Blessings, Barb
Hi Pammiejo...what a group of talented people are in your church!
That is certainly a print to be very proud of... ;-) Bo
What a gorgeous print! I love it.
What a wonderful idea to sketch the give-away quilt. Now you all have a keepsake of it. Happy WOYWW!
I must say...I like what's on your wall!
Hi Pammie Jo,
What an amazing and beautiful drawing you have.
I don't believe I have ever seen anything like it.
Just so gorgeous.
Happy WW! ~Melissa ;)
OMG, OMG, OMG I LOVE this! Love the story, love the drawing...this is absolutely the best!
Wow, such a neat piece to have and great story behind it!
I quilt and own quilts , so I can understand it's meaning.
What a beautiful drawing, and a great memory of a worthwhile project!
What a wonderful idea to make prints of all of your hard work. This is really beautiful and I love the way you have it framed, just perfect. What a sweet post and congratulations on raising money in such a fun way! Kathy
What a great work of art!!!! So nice to have those memories! Thanks for the kind comment on my blog! :D Jewel
That is absolutely a gorgeous print and I bet the actual quilt was spectacular! I just LOVE quilts!!
Beautiful print! Thanks for wishing me a good trip! I plan on going whale watching, can't wait! Kristen
Fabulous quilt print. I love quilts, too.
I am right there with you on The Shack. Thanks for coming to visit today!
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