Today is Fertilizer Friday over at
Tootsie's. Be sure to visit and see the lovely blooming flowers in Blogland. It has been hot in Kansas for the past week but we've had some showers too, so the flowers have benefitted. The above is my mandevilla just blooming away.

Coleus in a windowbox loving heat.

Portulaca loves the heat.

Rose of Sharon bending over to the ground because of the heavy blooms on it.

Mariogolds and my little orange tiny zinnias are blooming. I grew the zinnias from seed started in the greenhouse this year (zinnias are in the back). A morning glory bloom - I've had to practice deer-protection methods on the morning glories - they are fenced in from every angle. The morning glories I grew from seed the deer don't bother (and they're not blooming yet),

Rudebeckia have really spread by reseeding themselves from last year so I have a good stand of them.

The fairy dancer amidst the begonias and impatiens.

My wagon full of impatiens - it does well every year.
I LOVE IT ALL. that wagon is to die for!! thanks for flaunting such pretty flowers with us this week!
Now that's a wagon! I love it!!! Your flowers are beautiful and love that Morning Glory. One of the first things I bought here was Morning Glory seeds and my neighbor told me I had better not plant them because they would be everywhere and out of control. Being new at this I listened to her. I think the time is here to buy some. They are just too pretty!
Wow beautiful blooms!!! I love the wagon too! Things here are surviving but no wow flowers because of the heat last week. I did notice the naked ladies are blooming. So I guess that is a sign fall is just around the corner..(-:
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