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A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words for the treasures that people have built from "trash" others have gotten rid of.

Here is a door that is used now in our family room as a "backdrop". I wanted an old country looking door for the bathroom door off our family room in my old house. We went to the salvage yard and found an old door that we thought would be the right size. When we got it home, it had to be completely rebuilt in order for it to fit the door opening - so my DH did that without much complaining. At first I put a shade and curtains on it but then my daughter started doing stained glass so I had her make a window for that door.

I loved that door and couldn't bear to have it stay with our house when we sold it - so we removed the door and put the previous door back before we started showing our house. Now the door has supports on the bottom so it stands alone and I still get to appreciate it.
Pam, you and I have a lot in common... I did the same thing with a door I loved. And that one is so neat! How great that you have your daughter's stained glass in the top. Really neat thing!
Happy T to T Tuesday...
Sheila :-)
Love that door! I wouldn't be able to part w/ it either!
I love what you've done to that door. Of course, you're going to take it with you wherever you go. Your daughter is extremely talented too. Thanks for sharing. Happy Trash to Treasure Tuesday.
I can see why,I love it too...Ann
I would not have left that door either. Fantastic. I just love it!
Hi Pammiejo,
The door looks great! I don't blame you for wanting to keep it.
Thanks for linking to Trash to Treasure! Sorry it took me so long to drop by this week.
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