I'd like to introduce you to my friend, Holly Heyroth (above). Holly is currently serving in the mission field in Tanzania. Holly is a hometown girl who grew-up in our local United Methodist church. She went to K-State and graduated with a degree in education and a specialist in ELL (English as a second language or ESL to some of you). She also has had a calling in her heart to serve as God's liason to those who are in need, particularly in Africa. She came back from college to serve our church as a youth director for several years and in the summers she would spend a few weeks in Africa doing some substituting for English teachers who were on leave in local adult education programs. She is convinced that this is what the Lord wants her to do. So, in January Holly departed the United States for Tanzania to serve in an orphanage there.

Holly maintains a blog about her service there entitled
African Faith Journey. I would encourage you to take a look at her blog as she enlightens everyone about her adventures as she nurtures children who are very much in need in Tanzania. If you would like to know more or be in correspondence with Holly, comment on her blog. She does a wonderful job of enlightening and moving your spirit to one of servitude.

If you belong to a group who would like to take on a charitable activity, Holly can give you numerous ways for your group to have a part in her mission there. She will let you have a very personal relationship with these wonderful children she serves.
Please take a look at Holly's blog and enjoy her adventures.
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