Ladies With Books met this week to discuss the book
Thank You For All Things by Sandra Kring. Nancy was our hostess and here she is posed with the book as well as the pineapple upside-down cake she served us. As I've mentioned before, our refreshments usually come from some food(s) mentioned in the book and this was. This book was a really good read. This is a book about family dynamics, love, and forgiveness. It takes place in Wisconsin and told through the voice of an 11 year old little girl (who has some very adult understandings of human dynamics). You won't regret reading this. Without fail, every member of our book club enjoyed this book.
Hi Pammiejo, just discovered your site! thanks for the book recommendation I am a voracious book reader and I'll look for it on my next trip to the library. '
'scuse me I've got a mouthful of that delicious pineapple upside down cake!
just stopped in to say hi and wish you a good weekend
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